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Packet Services

  • BPQ IP4 Gateway
  • BPQ Telnet
  • BPQ Web Server
  • VHF Port

Last check: 09/16/24 21:25 MST


❗  ISSUE: INTERNET OUTAGE at 2024/05/18 18:11 UTC: Cox Internet connection issue in area. Cox claims full service by 1506 MST.

✅  RESOLVED: MANY LINKS DOWN at 2023/12/07 00:28 UTC by Whoever dug up the fiber optic lines.

❗  ISSUE: MANY LINKS DOWN at 2023/12/06 17:36 UTC: Many of our links are down because some genious with a backhoe dug up a fiber line east of here.


Brandmeister Hotspot

Hotspot Online
Hotspot last seen 2024-09-17 04:24:08 UTC
Static: 3104 3156 3176 31566 310999


Timed: NONE

Weather at WY7EMT
T: 72° F | H: 60% | B: 29.86 inHg | DP: 58° F | Feels: 72° F | Sun: 0.0 w/m2 | UVI: 0.0 | R: 0.0” (0.0 in/hr) | Wind: 113° at 0 MPH (G: 0 MPH) | Wind Chill: 72° F | Updated: 2024-09-16 21:14:29(GMT-0700)
Tags: BBS, node, packet, linbpq, BPQ32, N2UEM, G8BPQ, PHXAZ:N2UEM-7, Arizona, AZ, Phoenix, Saint David

I decided to use the server at home for a little more than streaming movies. I bit the bullet this past week and set up a packet BBS.

It’s running linbpq (the Linux version of BPQ32) by John Wiseman, G8BPQ.

CURRENTLY, I have the switch, BBS and chat up and running with a node-to-node connection to Mark Acierno’s BBS, N2UEM-7 in Phoenix. We’ve managed to confirm mail routing is working okay, but we’re still having an issue with the chat routing. For the time being, the chat function is limited to my node.

For the time being, the 2m packet connection is OFF-LINE until I get all the bugs worked out. Once that’s done, I’ll turn on the radio and the 2m packet link will be up.

Currently, you CAN access the node via the internet IF you have a local account (email me if you’re in the area and are interested).

The following applications are available from the node prompt: BBS……..access the BBS (EMTBBS) CHAT…….access the chat room (EMTCHT) WEATHER….pulls up the current and forecasted weather for Saint David SOLAR……pulls up current solar weather notifications SPACE……pulls up a menu for a selection of space weather.

After I manage to get the packet connection up, it’ll have roughly the same coverage as my 2m voice station. Hopefully, I can get this up in the next week or so.

Right now, there are only four active BPQ nodes in all of AZ. It’d be nice to get all of the AZ nodes interconnected and then add some routes out to neighboring states. The plus side is that the nodes can interconnect over the internet since we’re so far apart.

Check back next week for the information for the 2m packet information.

You can check the status of any BPQ node in the world at

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