Amateur Radio
Node Status
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PersonalWide Area




Packet Services

  • BPQ IP4 Gateway
  • BPQ Telnet
  • BPQ Web Server
  • VHF Port

Last check: 09/09/24 08:40 MST


❗  ISSUE: INTERNET OUTAGE at 2024/05/18 18:11 UTC: Cox Internet connection issue in area. Cox claims full service by 1506 MST.

✅  RESOLVED: MANY LINKS DOWN at 2023/12/07 00:28 UTC by Whoever dug up the fiber optic lines.

❗  ISSUE: MANY LINKS DOWN at 2023/12/06 17:36 UTC: Many of our links are down because some genious with a backhoe dug up a fiber line east of here.


Brandmeister Hotspot

Hotspot Online
Hotspot last seen 2024-09-09 15:39:59 UTC
Static: 3104 3156 3176 31566 310999


Timed: NONE

Weather at WY7EMT
T: 78° F | H: 34% | B: 30.02 inHg | DP: 47° F | Feels: 77° F | Sun: 214.1 w/m2 | UVI: 1.0 | R: 0.0” (0.0 in/hr) | Wind: 248° at 1 MPH (G: 2 MPH) | Wind Chill: 78° F | Updated: 2024-09-09 08:29:25(GMT-0700)

I began playing with radios when I was little (think single digits), thanks to my uncle's (W7JBT) own facination with radios (he was only 11 years older).
In 2004, I bit the bullet and received my Technician-class amateur radio license. At the time, I was living in the Seattle area and enjoyed the hobby. Due to restrictions at home, I had to stop. After I finally settled in Arizona in 2008, I picked up the hobby again, only to have to put it aside again when I started volunteering all of my free-time to the fire department. I retired in 2023 and picked up the hobby again, along with programming and photography.

I'm still worming my way through the General manual and plotting and planning where I'm going to shoe-horn my antennas (kinda stuck at the front of the house for the time being).

Thanks to the fire department, I was able to keep my EMT certifications current (certified since 1999), as well get my training for Public Education, Safety Officer, Public Information Officer, Wide-Area Search & Rescue, as well as the slew of mandatory FEMA classes (IS-100,200,300,400,700, & 800). I've also completed my Intro to EmComm (EC-001) and I'm working on my PR for Radio Amateurs (PR-001).

Yeah, I'm STILL going through the General manual.

  • HT
    • BTech DMR-6x2 dual-band HT
    • Ailunce HD1 dual-band HT
    • CS700 70cm HT
    • TYT MD-9600 dual-band mobile
    • MMDVM 70cm hotspot
  • ICOM
    • F3S 70cm HT
    • F-5021 2m
    • TK-730 2m
    • TK-830 70cm
    • TK-840 70cm
    • TK-7160H 2m
    • GM-300 2m
    • MCX 100 2m
    • FT-2800 2m
    • FT-7800 dual-band
    • FT-60R dual-band HT
    • FT-710 160-50m HF with autotuner

Antennas and Other
  • Homemade J-pole (thanks to my uncle)
  • RTE-8010 HF antenna (end-fed Zepp)
  • Diamond dual-bander
  • Straight key (TNX UT2WQ)
  • Various power supplies
  • TNCs
    • Kantronics KPC-3
    • MJF 1278B (TNX KL7AA)
    • Zetron DAPT 1000B two-tone paging encoder
    • Zetron Model 15B two-tone paging encoder
  • VOIP
    • Polycom VVX-411

Towers and Things-to-Do
  • 16-foot wooden mast (currently home to my J-Pole)
  • 10-foot Rohn tower
  • 20-foot "engineered" tower (compliments of the department changing repeater sites and towers)
  • More J-poles
  • QSL cards
  • Guying equipment
  • Upgrade to General (still going through the manual)
  • Cleaning the office so I can see my desk and set up the radios
  • Rack + shelving for radios, power supplies and computers