Amateur Radio
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Packet Services

  • BPQ IP4 Gateway
  • BPQ Telnet
  • BPQ Web Server
  • VHF Port

Last check: 09/16/24 21:25 MST


❗  ISSUE: INTERNET OUTAGE at 2024/05/18 18:11 UTC: Cox Internet connection issue in area. Cox claims full service by 1506 MST.

✅  RESOLVED: MANY LINKS DOWN at 2023/12/07 00:28 UTC by Whoever dug up the fiber optic lines.

❗  ISSUE: MANY LINKS DOWN at 2023/12/06 17:36 UTC: Many of our links are down because some genious with a backhoe dug up a fiber line east of here.


Brandmeister Hotspot

Hotspot Online
Hotspot last seen 2024-09-17 04:24:08 UTC
Static: 3104 3156 3176 31566 310999


Timed: NONE

Weather at WY7EMT
T: 72° F | H: 60% | B: 29.86 inHg | DP: 58° F | Feels: 72° F | Sun: 0.0 w/m2 | UVI: 0.0 | R: 0.0” (0.0 in/hr) | Wind: 113° at 0 MPH (G: 0 MPH) | Wind Chill: 72° F | Updated: 2024-09-16 21:14:29(GMT-0700)
J-Pole Coverage Map
Tags: coverage, map, antenna, free, web tool, SPLAT, Radio Mobile Online, VE2DBE, STDVAZ:WY7EMT-7, DAPNET

I finally took the time to plot out the coverage for my J-Pole antenna. This is, of course, based on ideal numbers. Since I don’t have an analyzer, I don’t have the actual feed loss or gain to work with. Even so, it appears to be close enough to what I know about the basics (+/- a few kilometers).

These were created at Radio Mobile Online. It’s free to get an account and to use. It’s also alot simpler than trying to use or SPLAT. If you use it and find it useful, drop a line to VE2DBE and thank him!

**2m Coverage Map (NODE SDVAZ:WY7EMT) **

2 meter coverage map for Node

Click to view larger

**70cm Coverage Map (DAPNET) **

70cm coverage map

Click to view larger

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